Comprehensive Neuroradiology Course Faculty


Joshua P. Nickerson, MD, FACR: Course Director

Dr. Nickerson is Vice Chair of Academic Affairs and Professor at Oregon Health & Science University. He is a former residency Program Director and Vice Chair of Education, and current Associate Program Director. He has served for many years on the Education Committee of the ASNR, and is the current Editor-in-Chief of Neurographics, the educational journal of the ASNR. He is a passionate educator, a prior Anne Osborn International Outreach Professor, and serves in educational roles with the APDR, AUR, and ABR.

Tabassum A. Kennedy, MD

Dr. Tabby Kennedy is a Professor of Radiology, the Division Chief of Neuroradiology at the University of Wisconsin in Madison and a former Fellowship Director. Tabby is a pioneer in medical education and has experience with flipped classroom instruction using digital media. She is a highly regarded lecturer on the national stage always delivering well-organized, visually appealing and insightful talks. She was recently awarded the ASNR Outstanding Educator award for 2021.

Erin Simon Schwartz, MD, FACR

Bio coming soon!

Haris Sair, MD

Bio coming soon!

Wende Gibbs, MD, MA

Dr. Wende Gibbs is an Associate Professor and the Director of Spine Imaging and Intervention at Barrow Neurological Institute. She is dedicated to education of physicians in training and practice, as well as patients, through academic and organized medicine, with committee and leadership positions in multiple national and international medical societies. She is the President of the American Society of Spine Radiology, President Elect of the Western Neuroradiological Society, and Chair of the ASNR Education Committee. Dr. Gibbs is also passionate about multidisciplinary cooperation and collaboration. She has leadership positions in NASS and is a frequently invited speaker at Neurosurgery and spine surgery meetings. She has focused her research, service and education efforts on spine oncology, pain management, and radiology reporting. She has authored multiple book chapters, peer-reviewed journal articles, and award-winning abstracts, scientific talks, and exhibits. In addition to spine topics, her interests include patient safety, communication, ethics, education, and artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Paul Bunch, MD

Bio coming soon!