Transforming the Future
of Neuroradiology
April 29 – May 3, 2023
Chicago or Virtual
2023 Exhibitor and Sponsor Opportunities
Partnering with the ASNR for our 2023 Annual Meeting offers access to the top leaders, researchers and clinicians in the field. Our Annual Meeting typically draws 2,000+ attendees with a planned hybrid audience (both in-person and virtual) for 2023 (anticipated over 1,300 in-person).
- Our Annual Meeting averages between 1,800-2,000 attendees
- 2022 Attendance: 1,150 in-person, 800 virtual
- Over 85 sessions, including keynotes, focus sessions and abstracts
- Interactive exhibit hall, including poster sessions, partner theater evening social activities and integrated specialty content
- All of our 2023 packages offer flexible booking/cancellation policies and are focused on building connections through positive experiences and learning. Choose the best opportunities from below to put your company’s products at the forefront of innovation!